Training Methods

Vassiliki Kapsidou, developer and trainer of DECODING BALLET, is introducing the method through the following teaching ways:

On-Line class series (videos)

In these  on-line videos, the DECODING BALLET training education is unfolded gradually giving you the opportunity to fully understand and practice all the knowledge needed for the dancer’s physical strengthening and technique improvement.
Attendance Certification is provided for both above-mentioned groups upon their fulfillment of the program’s corpus.

On-Line seminars

A 2-day seminar is introducing the DECODING BALLET training education in a compact-yet-deep context. Corpus adjustment depending on participants’ level, emphasis on various aspects upon the attendees’ demand and an extensive Q&A session are among the benefits of the On-Line seminars.
Provided a minimum number of attendees joins, contact us to organize an On-Line DECODING BALLET seminar that suits your needs!

Attendance Certification is provided for both above-mentioned groups upon their fulfillment of the program’s corpus.

Note: Live Group Seminars (in-person participation) can be organized in all continents upon the Covid-19 restrictions alteration, provided a minimum number of attendees is formed.


Exam & Contests Preparation

The DECODING BALLET method is a fundamental “learning tool” to use when preparing for dance exams or dance contests.

It provides you with the tips in order to stimulate the proper muscle(s) to execute with precision and in a safe way for your neuromuscular basis, as also the know-how to “translate” dance commands in a way that is easily decoded by the brain’s synapses.

When preparing dancers and students for an exam or a contest, Vassiliki Kapsidou, adjusts the corpus of the DECODING BALLET method upon their individual needs and the exams’ or contests’ demands; thus, the corpus of the DECODING BALLET method is tailor made for each individual and their particular strengths, needs, level of progress, timeframe, objectives’ requirements etc.

The DECODING BALLET method has helped dancers and students who needed a “fast track” preparation with remarkable results!

Apply for an individual’s preparation NOW

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